It's amazing how fast time can go by. I actually have a theory on that. I think time seems to go by faster and faster each year for a simple reason: a year is a smaller percentage of time as you get older. When I was 5 years old, a year seemed to take forever (because at 5 years old, 1 year was ~20% of my life). Now, years seem to fly by (because at 23 years old, 1 year is ~4% of my life).
Well that was quite the mini-rant. I initially wanted to post more on what i've been doing for the past week or so, but this seems adequate for now.

gg time, gg
That makes two of us that haven't posted in forever. Nice theory on the passing of time thing.
A good theory doesn't make it any less depressing though.
3 of us. (I posted the mcelwain thing simply so people knew I was still alive)
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